Californiens guvernør Newsom nedlægger veto mod lovforslaget om regulering af krypto - opfordrer til 'mere fleksibel tilgang'

California Governor Gavin Newsom has vetoed a bill to regulate crypto in his state. He stressed thata more flexible approach is needed” til “keep up with rapidly evolving technology and use casesin the crypto sector. Bill to Regulate Crypto

Salget af hardware krypto-punge falder i Rusland med lempelse af valutarestriktioner

Interest in hardware wallets allowing cold storage of cryptocurrencies is decreasing among Russian users after this years surge that followed the invasion of Ukraine. The sale volumes for these devices have almost halved, according to a report quoting leading marketplaces. russere’…

Bank of Russia letter restriktioner på køb af dollar- og eurokontanter

Den russiske centralbank har lempet nogle begrænsninger for russiske banker, der sælger USA. dollars og euro til offentligheden. The increased supply of foreign cash may affect the crypto market in the country as currency restrictions have been a driver

Sverige har brug for strøm til mere nyttige ting end Bitcoin-minedrift, siger energiminister

Concerned about projected increase in electricity demand, the government in Sweden may turn its back on crypto mining, the countrys energy minister has indicated. Swedish bitcoin minting industry, a leader in Europe, is likely to soon lose the preferential treatment it

Russisk Blockchain Alternativ til SWIFT for at forhindre afbrydelse af nationer, Banker

Et russisk universitet er klar til at teste sin blockchain-baserede analog til det globale betalingsmeddelelsesnetværk SWIFT, som russiske banker blev afskåret fra som led i vestlige sanktioner. The developers say their system would not allow the disconnecting of countries

Iran lukker krypto-minefarme på grund af rekordstor efterspørgsel efter strøm

Myndigheder i Iran planlægger at frakoble licenserede kryptominefaciliteter, da elforbruget i landet når rekordhøje. Minegårdene bliver onsdag afskåret fra nettet, the Islamic Republics Ministry of Energy announced. Legal Crypto

Binance informerer canadisk regulator, at det er 'forpligtet' til at ophøre med kryptohandelstjenester i Ontario

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has informed the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) that it is committed to ceasing opening new accounts for Ontario residents and winding down certain services to comply with regulations. Binance Promises to Increase Efforts to Comply With Regulation Cryptocurrency

Ukraine tager nu Polkadot, Siger, at det snart vil acceptere andre mønter

Har allerede rejst millioner af dollars i store kryptovalutaer som bitcoin, Ukraine modtager nu også donationer i polkadot. The country intends to expand the list of accepted coins as it increasingly relies on help from the crypto community to

Tyrkiske liras fald bidrager til at stige i Tyrkiets daglige kryptohandler til over en million

The popularity of cryptocurrencies in economically embattled Turkey has continued to surge with the number of daily trades now surpassing one million, har en rapport sagt. This surge in trades has been attributed to the depreciating lira which plunged to a

Bank of Russia vil 'sænke' betalinger til kryptobørser, Bekæmp russernes impulsive investeringer

Central Bank of Russia is now working with commercial banks in order to delay payments made to digital asset exchanges. The move aims to limitemotionalcryptocurrency purchases made byunqualifiedRussian investors, a CBR official revealed. The move is likely